The exclusive live coaching program for Network Marketers seeking authentic marketing strategies, joyful selling, and purposeful influence to grow their business.

Authentic Marketing
Joyful Selling
Purposeful Influence
The Exclusive Live Coaching Program for Network Marketers
This live coaching community and program is for the network marketer and social seller who is looking to master the art of organic marketing and selling- so that they can make MORE sales with less frustration and in less time.
In this program, you get all the tools to create a purposeful and highly profitable online business- without the hustle or spammy tactics you’re tired of.
This is where you learn to grow a business in a way that feels authentic, aligns with your purpose, and has people consistently coming to YOU. No more chasing people down to listen to your offer or buy your product. This is next level marketing for the modern social seller.
If you have made the posts, sent the messages, and asked all your friends and family to look at your product and opportunity, and you are continually met with crickets or polite “no thank you’s”- it’s time for you to learn another way.
This program help you have a CONSISTENT and SUSTAINABLE success. Which means consistent growth and consistent income- no matter what your experience level is.

Get access to LIVE weekly group coaching via Zoom with Kristen and her team of trained coaches to help you implement what you learn and get coaching so you can identify and learn the exact things that are keeping you from having the results you want. Being stuck is no longer an option when you have access to this level of coaching.

Be a part of a private facebook community of other like-minded social sellers who are committed to implementing what they learn. Get support, encouragement, and feedback from your peers.

This coaching program is unlike any other program available for social sellers today. You pay ONCE and you have lifetime access to all program materials, calls, and assets that are created now and in the future. You never pay renewals or subscriptions.

Who is the program for?
This isn’t about becoming the next trendy influencer on instagram.
This is about helping the everyday social seller- get results with their unique voice and attract an audience who aligns with THEM.
Out of your warm market? that’s not a problem. This program helps you consistently grow and nurture your cold market to become red hot leads!
Don’t know how to recruit quality leads? This program teaches you how to attract them- so you don’t have to chase them.
Tired of constantly having to recruit to cover for “lost business” or attrition?
In the program, you learn to balance your business to get out of the monthly “hustle” and “exhaustion.”
This isn’t just about hitting a rank- it’s about KEEPING it- without you having to buy into it or incentivize your team every month.
This isn’t just about building an income for today- this is about creating income for your FUTURE.
This is for the network marketer and social seller who is tired of the “hustle” and being told “it’s numbers game.”
This is for someone who wants to learn the exact steps to organically grow, nurture, and sell to an audience in a way that feels deeply authentic and purposeful- and how to convert that into a steady paycheck.
No matter how long you have been in this business, this process teaches you how to maximize your impact and leverage your time with the audience you currently have.
Your time is precious, so it’s important you learn to do the activities that actually make you money. This is where your hobby comes to die. This is the only investment you will need when it comes to learning how to grow the social media business you want.
No complicated algorithms, funnels, or canned cold messages. This is where you will learn to master organic marketing and sales and feel more confident than you ever have in your business before.
You may have tried programs before, but there is NO program that combines practical tools or mindset like this one.
What is The Social Selling Academy?
The Social Selling Academy is unlike any other program out there. As an expert in sales and marketing, and having been trained by some of the top coaches in the industry- I give you the perfect combination of practical tools and mindset training to truly take your business to the next level.
This isn’t just your “nuts and bolts” of network marketing, this is modern social selling and the future of where the industry is headed.
I give you the exact strategies that I teach the top 1% of the industry. Without the huge price tag.
You’ll learn how to grow an audience and grow your sales through organic Marketing, Niched Value, and Copywriting.
As a service and product provider for the past 15 years, I’ve mastered understanding human behavior when it comes to selling and marketing in the online space. Marketing is where creativity and human psychology meet.
Marketing and sales doesn’t have to feel complicated or gross. In fact, with this program, marketing and sales will feel more approachable, simple, and authentic than ever.

“tell me more”

What comes inside the program?
This is where you will actually learn that there is no such thing as a magical strategy or “one size fits all” approach to marketing. So you can stop exhausting yourself in the endless pursuit of finding “that magic solution.” The real strategy is learning to manage your mindset and showing up consistently with the proven framework you are taught inside.
You could have the content calendars, activity trackers, and “bullet-proof” sales scripts- but none of that will outperform a poor mindset. In the program, you will finally be taught how to harness your mindset in a way that actually creates results. You will learn that your thoughts are truly the most powerful tools in your tool belt.
In the program you get:

Each week you have the opportunity to get on a LIVE call with Kristen and your fellow peers to get coaching on the exact frustrations you are experiencing in your business. You also get to benefit by watching your peers get coaching around the exact struggles you have. All calls are recorded and stored in your member portal.

A private and exclusive community on Facebook. Ask your questions, get 24/7 support, get feedback, and celebrate your wins. You also get to post your questions and get answers from the coach! The community is unique because it is a safe place that fosters growth, connection, and encouragement. It is an audience of people who take their business as seriously as you do.

Ask A Coach is a live feature for you to submit a question that you need coaching around in order to get better results in your business. Ask A Coach is available 24/7 and provides a support team to maximize your results.

You have access to a member library filled with all recorded coaching calls, more than 25 video trainings, and more than 150 pages of workbook materials. You are able to use a search feature to look up any topic that has ever been coached. It’s 24/7 access to training.

You have access to two 55 page digital copies of “Confident Copy”, that teaches you exactly how to write copy that creates more sales and “Purposeful Organic Marketing” an exhaustive book teaching you how to build and leverage your social media platforms.

For the social seller on the go, the program also provides a private podcast, where each live coaching call is uploaded for your on-the-go convenience so you can listen to coaching whenever you need it.
You will learn the foundational thought mastery framework that we teach exclusively inside the academy. You will learn how to identify your subconscious thoughts and how to rewire them so that you can stop self-sabotaging and start creating the results you WANT.
You will get centered on your own core values, strengths, and talents so that you know who you are best positioned to serve through your content and the value you add. You will also get training on how and when to identify your niche.
In this training you will learn how to find new leads, connect and engage with people on your social media platforms without “forcing conversations” or chasing people down. This covers both Instagram and Facebook Strategies
You may be familiar with content writing, but copywriting is the most valuable skill set you will learn. This is where you will learn exactly how to craft your words in a way that has people showing up in your DM’s asking you for more information on your product or business.
In this training you will learn how to position yourself as a trusted guide to your audience in order to build the like, know, and trust factor. If you find yourself questioning your authority or expertise- this is a perfect model to grow your confidence and attract dream team builders.
Enroll for
Instant access
You get access to LIVE coaching the week you join! Online courses, modules, and worksheets are inside waiting for you. Ready to get coached and make some money?
This is the program where you can come to build a powerful personal brand, position yourself as the expert to your audience, build authority and trust with your audience, write compelling copy writing that has people ASKING YOU about your product, service, or opportunity.
In the program you WILL:
- NShow up consistently in your business without needing exterior motivation to make it happen
- NLearn to set and exceed your short term AND long term goals WITHOUT mind drama, burnout, OR hustle.
- NHow to stop your patterns of self sabotage for GOOD
- NSave time writing content because you will know exactly what to say and how to communicate with your audience
- NLearn how to overdeliver to your customers so that you have higher retention, which means consistent income
- NHave more time to spend with your family instead of chasing leads all day on social media
- NHave more energy and time freedom in your business.
- NGain emotional health while in pursuit of your goals
- NFeel a deep sense of peace while you are growing a consistent and sustainable business.
- NNot spend hours trying to write content- but you will know exactly what to write and how to write it (which means you get MORE hours back in your day)
- NSign people who WANT to work the business, rather than dragging people along
- NFeel confident in your communication with potentials and leads
- NKnow exactly how to tap into your cold market and convert them into warm leads!
- NCould write powerful content on a dime
- NHad a consistent flow of leads coming to you each month
- NHad a solid personal brand that you felt confident with
- NHad a CLEAR daily action plan in order to hit your business goals
- NFelt excited, renewed, and ENERGIZED when it came to your business goals
- NNo longer felt a pit of anxiety in your stomach on the 1st or the 30th of the month
- NNo longer felt anxiety when it came to checking your back office report
- NNever felt the need to "take a break" from your business- but found time to rest and have creative play?
- NNever experienced "burnout" again
- NHad people join you and purchase from you WHILE you slept, ate dinner with your family, or chilled at the pool?
Frequently Asked Questions
This program is designed for any and ALL seasons of growing your social selling business. In the program, we focus on your brand, positioning, content writing, copywriting, and ALL the foundational principles to grow a successful network marketing business.
We have students who haven’t made the first dollar in their business yet-but they came to acquire the skills early in their business.
This takes all the guesswork out of having an online social selling business.
This program was carefully thought out to give you all the tools and coaching you could possibly need to build a business. Whether you are NEW to the business or a network marketing pro- there are things for you to learn in here to elevate your business.
Your success is entirely based on your commitment to the process and the willingness to do the work. Get coaching. Use the tools. Show up consistently and you WILL get results.
If you have a history of “not showing up for yourself”- the lifetime access gives you the grace to not judge yourself and get back in the game- at anytime you want.
MANY students report having breakthroughs and getting results in just watching the recorded calls.
Most clients who do the work of showing up consistently, watch the coaching, and apply the principles taught in the program see a shift within 14 days in their business.
In this program you learn how to consistently build a funnel of leads so that you are never “out of leads.” You learn how to market to your current audience while warming up and growing a new audience.
Some newer students had results in their FIRST WEEK of joining.
If you are “I’ll work to earn or save” the money- I want to encourage you to treat this as college or education. If you wish to enter the marketplace with maximum skill- it helps to pay for the education and tools to guarantee your results. If you aren’t making money in your business- it is because you are missing the tools inside this program.
No. This raises the bar for the community standard for excellence and commitment. This is a community where we take YOUR investment and your business seriously. We want you to show up deeply committed to the process and with a mindset that is ready to show up and do the work. This is not for “checking it out” and being a “looky loo”- this raises the experience for the entire program so that you are surrounded only by people who take their commitments and businesses seriously. It’s inspiring to be around! This program is worth thousands- but we have made this approachable for the serious business owner.
If you are “I’ll work to earn or save” the money- I want to encourage you to treat this as college or education. If you wish to enter the marketplace with maximum skill- it helps to pay for the education and tools to guarantee your results. If you aren’t making money in your business- it is because you are missing the tools inside this program.
As of now the live weekly calls are on Wednesdays @ 1PM CST. We record all calls and store them in your member portal to watch on your own time. We also upload the calls into a private member podcast so that you can have “coaching on the go.” Some of our most successful students are people who NEVER received live coaching for themselves but have implemented from watching others get coaching.
In fact, you learn MORE by watching others get coached.
If you are “I’ll work to earn or save” the money- I want to encourage you to treat this as college or education. If you wish to enter the marketplace with maximum skill- it helps to pay for the education and tools to guarantee your results. If you aren’t making money in your business- it is because you are missing the tools inside this program.
Success Stories
See what everyone is saying

The social selling academy
$2,000.00 USD
This is the decision that turns your hobby into a career…
It’s time to lay down the hustle and stop operating from scarcity. No more swirling in a constant headspace of doubt, confusion, insecurity, overwhelm or perfectionism. Inside you will find the tools you need to create the results you want. This is about creating YOUR online business. Not your up-line’s or your company- this is about YOUR story. YOUR SUCCESS.
You deserve to make a LOT of money doing what you love- inside the program, we show you how.